Thursday, May 1, 2014

Food stamps

Food stamps are useful in many ways, they provide food for those who don’t make enough money for food.  Especially those who have families and are making minimum wage.  While others who are only taking only what they need others are taking too much advantage of the food stamps.  It’s a question of whether or not it’s worth it having food stamps.  I know that it provides food for families that don’t have enough money to afford them.  But there are others who simply just ask for food stamps and just don’t find a job. 
            Although everyone has different reasons on why they need food stamps, others just want food stamps so they don’t have to pay for food.  They are not paying for the food stamps but the tax payers are basically feeding them.  I don’t think people want to pay for others who would not want to get an actual job but rely on the government for help.  Of course there are those who really are unemployed and are trying to use food stamps until they get on their feet.  And that’s understandable but I just can’t stand the fact there are people who just use food stamps as an opportunity to not buy food but they end up buying other unimportant materials.  I was working at a small restaurant a while back, and I remember when we had a customer that ordered some food but paid with food stamps.  That was okay with me but when I saw him scrolling through his phone, I was beginning to get agitated and judgmental, not because he had used food stamps but he had the new iPhone that just came out.  I was beginning to wonder, why are you using food stamps if you could afford an I Phone?  You need to know your necessities and priorities.  That really made me angry, it made me think of the food stamp system as corrupted and people are taking too much advantage of it.

            I am not for food stamps or against food stamps but I am just pouring out my thoughts on the system.  I feel like the government should make it harder for people to get food stamps so people won’t take too much advantage of it.  So that people will be more honest on whether or not they actually need food stamps.  We need to remember that the tax payers are paying for them and if they don’t need food stamps then why should we pay for them?

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