Sunday, May 18, 2014


     Most of us probably have tried to have a healthier diet but usually that does not last long, sometimes it lasts for a few day or a few weeks, but afterwards we get tired of eating healthy.  Why?  The problem is we don't like the taste of healthy food.  I mean come on, how many of you would rather choose a veggie smoothie over a plate of wings from Buffalo Wild Wings?  Some but not many right?  The thing is, eating healthier means not eating as much of the food we love, choosing lighter foods which often lacks flavor, eating a smaller portion, and usually you don't like the taste of healthy food.  However that doesn't mean that healthy food is bad or unappetizing.  Their are several ways that make healthy eating fun and more enjoyable.  Eating healthy doesn't mean that you have to avoid certain foods, or be guilty about it eating it.  Just remember to limit your portion and not eat it as often, remember to keep it in moderation.  For those of you who like to eat every couple of hours, well i have good news for you.  Studies shows that if you eat smaller portions of food every two to four hours, chances are your metabolism burns more calories and you are less likely to gain weight.  Why? Well let's put this way, your daily meal routine is eating twice a day, lunch and dinner.  You wake up and don't eat breakfast because your in a rush to get to school or work.  Your first meal of the day is at noon, then you don't eat for another 6 hours until it's dinner time.  Your body is living without food for hours, this is the time when your stomach is in starvation mode, because your not satisfying your stomach with food.  As a result, you begin to eat more, and your body begins to store those food that you ate as fat.  Your body doesn't know when the next time you will eat so it begins to hoard the food and store it as fat and use it when it needs too. By eat something every few hours, your metabolism is at work continuously breaking down the food, which builds a higher metabolism.
     Overeating is a big factor in obesity, stop eating before your full or you will begin to feel sick!   Your stomach is only the size of your fist, don't over stuff yourself.  I know sometimes it's hard especially when it comes to your favorite restaurant, but remember the restaurant is serving you more than your stomach can handle because your paying for your meal.  Here are some tips on not overeating as much.  Take smaller bites.  When you take smaller bites, your stomach can focus on digesting the small amount of food instead a mouthful of food, and you begin to feel full earlier.  Eat with your friends, that way your brain won't deceive you of eating the whole bowl of food.  Your friends will keep you distracted by talking and you will begin to eat slower.  Eat a variety of different kinds of food in your meals.  At a restaurant eat a salad or soup or an a appetizer before you begin eating your actual meal. When your at home make some broccoli, mashed potatoes, some type of grain and some protein.  That way you have  a balanced diet, and your body will be happy with you.

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