Friday, April 25, 2014

Is the world producing enough food for everyone?

We are living in a millennium where cities occupy more land than farmland itself.  Where farmers are less than 40% of the population and people have higher occupations.  It almost seems like we are in food crisis.  If the proportion of the land is less than the cities, we will not be able to feed the billions of people around the world.  We are beginning to see these food crisis everywhere, it has already begun. 
         Many third world countries are malnourished while others are still lavishly wasting food.  Malnourishment is a global epidemic.  There are more less developed countries in the world than the more developed countries.  According to global issues, the world’s lowest income countries consist of 2.4 billion people.  That's more than half of the population in this world.  Many times those countries are farming and meeting our needs of food, clothing etc.  Since our demands are high they have to work extra hard to provide for us, this often means that they don't have enough necessities to satisfy their needs.  This problem includes food.  More people are living in third world countries than more developed countries, with so many people that could not afford food or have access to the shortages, it has become a problem.  Even if we have enough food for everyone in the world, we must cut back on the foods we need and want.  Not everyone needs to eat so much till they are upset to their stomach.  If we lower our demands on food, maybe those individuals in third world countries can have an opportunity to get some food.  
            Another problem that we've encountered is that even though we make a surplus of food, it won’t be enough to catch up to the growing population everywhere.  Nowadays you see people living younger, healthier because of the increase in medical advances.  If people are living longer as well as people that are born into the world at the same time, you have double the proportion.  As Thomas Malthus’s theory states that the populations of the world would increase in geometric proportions while the food resources available for them would increase only in arithmetic proportions.  The increase in medical advances are keeping people alive longer and babies being born into the world will increase the population.
            We are living in a world where there are better medical advances, better foods, and better living.  With those factors in mind overpopulation is a big cause and it will cause food shortages in the near future, making it a global problem. 

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