Sunday, April 27, 2014

Genetically Engineered Foods

We as human beings could almost make anything now, from digital technology to foods.  We have the power to make foods more nutritious, better tasting, bigger, and better.  Instead of having natural crops, humans are controlling the foods.  There are pros and cons to it.  Of course we are living in a world where the population is increasing every day, so by genetically engineering the foods we can produce more in a short amount of time to feed the rest of the world.  But to everything there is a tradeoff, do we know that it's good for us?

        There is a reason why we genetically modify foods.  Foods that are genetically modified last longer, stay fresh longer and are more nutritious.  That's why researchers choose the good traits and modify the food.  On the other hand not all the genetically engineered foods are good for your health.  According to responsible technology theirs been incidents from rats that when they were fed GMO's for a month they found pre-cancerous cells in the rat's body.  There has been many studies shown the effects of genetically modified foods on one's health.

         Not only are genetically modified foods causes health problems, it also effects the environment.  They are harmful to the environment and the organisms.  With the plants resistant to herbicides and birds eating them really will kill the bird.

         GMO’s won’t affect us now but in the near future when we ingest more and more of it, there will be serious problems attached to it.  The disadvantages of genetically modified foods outweigh the advantages and we need to keep that in mind.  We need to find an alternative to genetically modified foods.  If researchers tested these GMOs on animals they had major problems, just imagine what they will do to humans.  We need to take into consideration of what we are eating and how they are affecting us. 


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