Thursday, April 24, 2014

Horse meat in Europe

While skimming through the news, there was a hot topic on selling and eating horse meat in Europe.  Europe has always been the country well known for their fancy unusual modern delicacies, now horse meat is the new delicacy now.  I really don't know how to feel about that.  As I was searching online, apparently supermarkets in Europe are selling horsemeat, like how we are selling beef in America. 

          It's been a controversy because eating horse meat is like eating your own pet.  To some people, they consider horses as a type of pet, and eating them is controversial.  You would never eat your pet would you?  The scandal was how news media called it, researchers found horse DNA in most of the foods that were being sold in stores, such as Lasagna, and meatballs.  The U.K said that it was a fraud, and spent millions of euros to shush the media.  If researchers found that theirs proof of horse DNA, then it's not a fraud but real.  Just because horse meat is cheaper than beef, it doesn't give them right to replace or lie to the consumers that they are buying beef.  Most consumers don't know the difference.  Horse meat and beef look similar but it might taste the same since most consumers have no idea that they are eating horse meat. 

            It’s not right to label something that isn’t what it actually is.  After the scandal, the government tried to take down all the foods that have horse in them.  This controversy has lost many of the consumers trust in their foods.  It was a scare that most people didn’t know about until it was cracked down and publicized. 

            I think that it would be less shocking if they just let the world know that it was horse meat instead of hiding the horse meat in the beef.  Many citizens are upset because they don’t know about what they are buying, it’s basically a fraud.  As I was researching, what was more shocking was the fact that some meat contained not only horse meat but pork and other pig parts.  Talk about clueless consumers that are buying these types of meat.  This controversy was one of the top controversies of 2013.  Last year every news was talking about the fraud meat.  No wonder why some consumers begin losing confidence in their food.  Now we know the reason why. 

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