Saturday, December 14, 2013

How much do we trust our food?

         I often pack my own lunch at home and take it with me to school.  Although it's a lot more convenient  just to eat school lunch so you don't have to pack lunch.  You miss you out on the foods you like to eat at home.  There's more choices to choose from at home, you pack what you like and eat what you like.  At school theirs a limited menu everyday, and if you don't like the school lunch then you are out of luck, you just have go hungry for the rest of the day.  It's always good to know what you are eating and have a first account of how it was made.  At school, the lunch ladies make your food, you don't know what it's made with or how it's made.  Wouldn't it be better if you knew what your food was made with?  When my brother was in elementary school, the students found out about how the spaghetti sauce used for the spaghetti had more red food coloring than the actual tomato sauce itself.  That's a bit scary isn't it?  The students don't know what they are eating because they don't know how it was made!
            So how much do we really know about the food we are eating?  Reality is, we know nothing about what we are eating.  That's actually pretty sad when you think about it.  Behind the scenes in the food industry is ugly, it was so ugly and horrendous that filmmaker Robert Kenner went to investigate the truth about our food.  In his documentary Food, Inc, Kenner opens the eyes of all the clueless and innocent Americans.  After watching that documentary, it made me wonder and think how powerful the food industry is.  They don't want us to know about what we are eating, because if we do, then we won't buy them and as a result they begin losing money.  Take a moment to think about how many foods that you have eaten that are not local grown? They are usually produced from either another state or even from another country!  We don't know exactly where our food comes from.  We have come from a society in which foods are not carefully grown but rather food industries care more about quantity rather than quality.  Quantity is where the big profit comes in because more people will buy it.   After watching the documentary over the food industry, it really opened my eyes and made me care about what foods I  am eating, my lifestyles has changed.  I eat only organic now, and I am slowly going towards in becoming a vegetarian.  I hope that each one of you will develop a sense of curiosity and question the food that you are eating, instead of just eating everything.  We only have one life, might as well make a healthy one.

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