I grew up in a household where my mom was vegetarian, and my dad, my brother and I weren't. She had wanted all of us to become vegetarians for many reasons but we couldn't stand a meal without meat. She finally gave up on persuading us to become a vegetarian. I still remember that I became a vegetarian for one day and I gave up, I couldn't do it. I still wonder how some people, like my mom who can stand eating only veggies, and how she still could get protein from the veggies.
Most people, like me dread of becoming a vegetarian because we simply just can't imagine a meal without chicken or steak, we like the taste of the tender juicy steak and the roasted chicken, or veggies can't give you protein. That's not true, their are many delicious vegetarian dishes that gives you more protein than the meats. Becoming a vegetarian takes some serious commitment and it doesn't just happen right away, you have to take step by step on becoming one. If you are considering on becoming one, ask yourself is their a reason why I am becoming a vegetarian? People choose to become vegetarians because of religious, health, environmental, animal rights, and health reasons. Usually if you have a reason to become one you have a higher chance of being committed. Being a vegetarian means having a different eating lifestyle, many restaurants have a limited vegetarian menu. Are you ready for the change? Becoming a vegetarian takes time and it's a process, you can't just decide all of a sudden to become one and change your diet.
If you still really want to become a vegetarian slowly adjust your diet by taking out specific meats out of your meals. For example, try taking out red meat from your diet but not all meat because then you will be craving for meat. Try eating without any red meat for a few weeks and when you get used to the meals without any red meat start pulling back on chicken, then pork and so on. Usually it takes months before you become an actual vegetarian. If that takes too long, think about becoming a Pescetarian first, eating only seafood and veggies. You're basically taking all of the meat out of your diet and that might be hard for some people. If you decide to become a pescetarian, instead of a vegetarian during the process, it's ok. Many people are pescetarians because they love seafood and can't take it out of their diet. Start eating vegetarian meals, so you could have a feel of what it feels like and your body will be use to it. Keep a journal for 30 days of all the foods you ate and plan on adding different kinds of veggies to you're foods.
Becoming a vegetarian gives you an opportunity to get creative with cooking, adding, replacing, substituting foods that you've never had before. Have fun with it and remember that becoming a vegetarian takes time and effort.
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