We are often
not happy about our image or weight, we are not satisfied with
ourselves. The media isn’t helping our self-esteem making us feel
comfortable in our body and with our image. The media sets an ideal body
image and weight where all of us have to follow in order to feel pretty and
confident in ourselves. With the powerful media around us it’s hard
to not feel ashamed about our weight or how we look. We have high
standards of how we look because of the media’s influence in our
lives. It makes females and males alike become self-conscious of
their bodies.
With a generation of teens where their whole lives are dependent on the internet,
the media plays a huge role in the adolescents becoming Bulimic, or
anorexic. In PMC, statistical evidence concludes
that more and more kids are becoming anorexic or bulimic because of the
media’s influence. There are many teens that are already dissatisfied
with their weight. The media is only pushing their confidence further
down. The result of the media’s influence on teens is being thin. Being thin has become the prominent goal in anorexics or bulimics that they don’t care about the measures they take in becoming thin and maintaining it.
Although the media is so powerful in making people think a certain way, and usually that way isn’t safe. There are many commercials and shows that promote healthy body weight and lifestyle. They glorify healthy weight and image instead of the ideal thin model image. Recently I’ve seen the Special K commercials, how they incorporate healthy looking women that aren’t overly thin looking. They show the women’s confidence in their own bodies and their healthy ever day diets.
Not only is the media influencing the lives of teens, but people in general are also contributing in many teens wanting to be skinny. Often times we automatically judge a person if they are not super skinny or we say that straightforward. They become self-conscious and embarrassed about their weight. So they begin to find ways to cut some of that weight off
By changing the faces of the media, it could really boost up many teens confidence in their body. By seeing real everyday people on T.V and not the exaggerated thin looking girl, teens having an eating disorder can drop by a lot. With the media being all powerful, why not have what they are portraying influenced teens to be comfortable in their own body?